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Thursday, 15 August 2013

Chapter3: Revealing the truth.

A story that changed lives.

Zain wasn't shocked of Shiza's confession. He saw it coming. But sure he was amazed to see how she just came straight forward at him.
"Wha-aat.. Say something genius!" Shiza said, laughing at Zain's poker face.
"Shiz.. i ca-ant do this r-right now.." Zain stuttered. he knew had to tell her the truth sooner or later.. so why not now. "Shiza.. I'm..I'm" "YOU'RE GAY!?" Said Shiza in pure horror!
"WHAT.. No I'm not. What? haha that's insane! are you lulu pizoo?"
"Well.. I'm lulu for you" she said, pinching his cheeks. Zain was comfortable talking to her now. she was in a good mood. he thought this might be a good time to hint her.
"Y'know When you went away, i was sad for days and weeks and monthsss! then gradually, i got on with life, thinking you would too. I mean, You went to AUSTRALIA! I'd go nuts if was there. Anyway.. I got busy in college and stuff.. And well.. There, I found.. Your doppelganger!"
"My what?"
"Doppelganger! she was so much like you! she filled my void.. she.. shes my everything now"

Shiza took Zain's words better than he expected. She was a grown up now. In the deepest corner of her heart, she had a fear of Zain moving on, with another girl. Some part of her was well aware that Zain might not be hers when she comes back. She was now disappointed. Not in Zain, But in herself, for believing in something that she had no assurance of. She understood Zain really well, smiled, and held his hand and whispered in a deep voice.
"Zain.. it doesn't matter. i still love you a lot. You were my best friend when we wore diapers, and you're still my best friend. Having a girlfriend doesn't change the fact that i love you more than anyone! And HEYYY! when am i meeting the special girll?" she said, nudging Zain.

Now it was Zain's turn to go poker face again. He never thought she would take it so well, almost like a mature adult. He was impressed by his best friends new personality. All that tension for almost nothing! thinking of this, he burst out into fits of laughter, which were later joined by Shiza as she always found Zain's laugh funny. 

Relieved of all the tension, and drama, they both got comfortable around each other and filled each other in.. Telling every necessary detail of life to each other. After about an hour, they both decided to go downstairs to meet the rest of the family and eat their hearts out.
Over the brunch, Zain, Abdullah, and Shiza started to have a deep conversation about TV shows, when Zain, out of the blue said "You guys have to meet Hina! Shes amazing! no, actually, shes beyond that. She will love you guys as much as i do!"
"So Zain? She might be our bhaabi...eh?" Abdullah exclaimed and smirked at him. 
"Well... you can say that" Zain smirked back at him.

Hearing all this,made Shiza's blood boil. Though she tried her best to process all this but she just couldn't handle picturing Zain married to another girl. She was in complete rage now, Battling with her heinous thoughts  "OHKAY THEN. Its On like Donkey Kong! Its a fight now. Zain will be MINE! HE IS MINE!"

To find out what happens next, stayyy tuned to: I'M ZAIN! 

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