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Wednesday 14 August 2013

Chapter2: Expressing the love.

A story that changed lives.

Zain was in his room, pacing back and forth with the growing confusion of his next move. He did not know how to react to this. He did not know how to respond when he gets to meet Shiza when he goes downstairs. Shiza's family was invited for a brunch at their old neighbors place which obviously made her happy as hell and Zain nervous as hell. 

"I have to talk to her! But I cant! how can I face her with all that guilt? No. This is wrong. Very wrong. But wait!? Maybe I'm just over thinking! yeah... I'm over thinking! She must have gotten over me.. I mean, We were only thirteen for heavens! Okay calm down Zain. Just go downstairs and pretend that you're totally cool now. yeah that will do the trick.. Its now or never Zain! Its NOW or NEVER!"
Battling with his thoughts, Zain figured it would be polite if he went downstairs just to say Hi to Shiza, her older brother Abdullah, and her parents.

Trying to stay as cool as possible, Zain moved towards his wall mirror to fix his hair a bit. While watching himself looking good in the mirror, he saw a girl standing behind him, smirking while staring at Zain's reflection. Before Zain could turn and face his horror, She ran to him and jumped to his back and started laughing and giggling and squeaking Zain's name.

"ZAINN ZAINN ZAINN ZAINN!!! I'VE MISSED YOU SOO MUCHHHH! Oh my god you're so grown up now! And so cuteeeeeee omg Zainnnnyy say something!?" said Shiza while clinging to him.
Zain was confused. He didn't know how to react to Shiza's greetings. Instead of saying something, Zain choked and gasped for air. Alarmed, Shiza let go of Zain's back in pure horror. "Hahahah Are you alright Zain?" She said while laughing. "urghh.. yeahh never better!" said Zain with an extremely forced smile on his face. "Sit down, please" He said, pointing towards his bed.
She sat and started her never ending questionnaire. 

"Well Zain... How have you been" she started
"umm Good! What about you?". Zain responded with a forced smile.
"Without you, it sucked there, Zainy!" 
"Im sure you had fun there Shizo Pizo"
"Are you kidding me! Gorray people are gross! i used to cry and when i used to miss you.."
"Shiza.. You cant say that.. You're lucky you dont live here! it sucks" 
"Australia sucked without you"
"You knew well i couldn't be with you forever shiza.. we were young.. we had a long life a head of us.. our families expected a lot from us" 
"Expectations weckpectations! i don't give a rats ass! the important thing is, we're back and back for good now! and we're not leaving now.. And we're going to be together now"
"Shiza. i ca.."
"sshh" said Shiza as she put her index finger on Zain's lips "ZAIN.. I love you

To find out what happens next, stayyy tuned to: I'M ZAIN!