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Monday, 8 July 2013

Mademoiselle Rant-A-Lot. :)

Supp, people of the world!? Mon nom est Wurduh. and i just made a BLOG!! YAAAYYY (not really excited though) jk. I'm like dying with excitement!

I've never considered making a Blog to showcase my weird thoughts and stuff. But yeah, everything certainly do have a first. So BEHOLD! My first Blog! Though my views about Blogging were a bit different before, I mean, Why do people even make Blogs? Why do they write so much stuff and don't really give it a thought that out of the 7 billion people of the world, who will actually consider reading one's blog? Hardly Four maybe? including your mother and father who will not get a single thing you wrote, and maybe your best friend and your guy/girl friend that will praise you no matter how shitty and senseless your blog is? Yeah.. those were the questions that haunted me for a long time. but then again, who am I to judge them bloggers.

So Instead of getting creeped by my own questions, I decided to find the answers myself, and make my own blog and write totally irrelevant shit to calm me a bit. Because I'm a kind of a person who talks a lot, and rants about pretty much everything I come across, Blogging can be a kind of stress relief for me, y'know, without hurting someone emotionally or making my friend gape for air when I go on and on about my silly little problems. so. Here It Is. Hallelujah.


  1. Welcome to the blogging world, penguin :D I myself started one lately, its getting interesting post-by-post. Keep 'em coming (Y)

  2. Brilliant!! I am not really of this blog stuff but you did good zombie girl!! And yeahh you must be getting famous-ish on your side!! Best of luck with this

  3. we have the idea from your little blog that how much you out spoken you needed that blog, the most! :D
