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Tuesday 21 February 2017

BOOK REVIEW: The Spy // Paulo Coelho


Just a couple of days back, I got done reading this gem by the amazing, Paulo Coelho!

#TheSpy was a pleasant and an enlightening read! The book itself is a series of real life records of the bewitching beauty #MataHari who was accused of espionage and being a double agent in the years when France and Germany were at each other's throat! An extraordinary woman with a very sad past (getting raped by school principle and not being able to tell anyone by the fear of expulsion. and getting married and isolated into an abusive marriage, losing a child, and later loosing the custody of the second child) made something of herself.

Even though being a high end courtesan and a full time exotic dancer and performer worked for her perfectly and suited her lifestyle of meeting people from the high society including Pablo Picasso, ambassadors to countries, generals and president's special people, a little bit of lies here and there landed her into the biggest mess that according to her former lover and lawyer, was the reason she got sacked so quickly and reprimanded for the crime she never committed. Her only crime was to be a woman who thought she was extraordinary and who put her faith into the wrong people at the wrong time (brink of war between Germany and France).

#MataHari was resilient and took on every battle alone in her life, but lost to the cruel judicial system and was gunned down by the firing squad! I think #PauloCoelho did his research brilliantly and the added dialogues made the history bearable! The book consisted of three parts, including Mata Hari's life before she came to France and the era she was married in and how she faced multitudes of problems while staying in that marriage. The second part of the book consist of her exotic lifestyle and her newly found freedom and experiences and mistakes she made all whilst hoping there will be no consequences. The third part of the book is all narrated by her Lawyer/Former lover who couldn't help her escape her sentence for espionage and being a double agent. In short,  Y'all realllyyyy need to read #TheSpy ASAP! The book is not only interesting from the prologue, but also is a record of true events, which makes everything y'all read a 100% more interesting! 9/10 for this book!

Till I read more books and indulge myself in pure bliss, this is me, signing out!

Digitally Booked,

Wurduh Jaffri

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